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“Houston…we have lift-off”

Sunday, September 20th – Guest Speaker, Laura Graham, one of the Ministerial Settlement Representatives for the New England Region of our UUA. She is a Family Mediator and a member of the First Parish in Concord. As a Ministerial Settlement Representative, Laura acts as a consultant to our Region’s congregations and their search committees to help them implement the recommended process for choosing their next settled minister. Laura’s after-service informational session is for all who are interested in better understanding how the search year unfolds, what to expect from the governing board, what to expect from the search committee, and what to expect from the congregation. Everyone has a part to play in moving UUSF into its next chapter. Becoming better informed about the process and your role in it will go a long way toward supporting the good people who have volunteered to serve on your search committee and ensuring a successful search experience for all. Laura will present a short overview of the year ahead; then take questions from the floor.

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