This Sunday, join us at 10:30am for:
“Our Story: From 1819-2019” by Rev. Ann Fox, Minister Emerita
“This sermon will include highlights of the congregation through
200 years! The earliest years are the most fascinating. I have used historical documents written by Job Tripp on the 50th Anniversary of the first meeting house and the move to the “granite building” in 1904, a “scuttlebutt” Fairhaven document by Thomas Tripp, the 150th anniversary “report” by Genevieve Darden, and annual reports of one of the ministers from the early 1960’s.
If you want to get into scholar mode, you might like to read the popular 1820 sermon called “Unitarian Christianity” by William Ellery Channing, acknowledged to be the Founding Father of Unitarianism; this sermon likely inspired the first Unitarians of Fairhaven. And if you’re more ambitious, read Channing’s 1828 sermon called “Likeness to God,” which was also a smash hit of the time. You’ll be glad you did. They’re both on the internet.” -Rev. Ann Fox
Nursery care is available in the Harrop Center behind the church starting at 10:15am.
Coffee hour and conversation will follow in the Parish House.
Second-hour MakerSpace children’s programming for ages K-8 children will start during the final hymn (This week: tie-dye! Bring a white cotton item or purchase a t-shirt! Plus, MakerSpace is open before worship as well! 9:15am – 10:15am)