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A Note from the Denominational Affairs Committee (Post-General Assembly, 2015)

In an effort to increase awareness regarding the role of the Denominational Affairs Committee, and events/news from outside the Unitarian Universalist Society of Fairhaven, I invite you to read on! Let’s first consider the role of the Denominational Affairs Committee (DAC), and other information that may be of interest to you.

The primary responsibility of the DAC is to provide a liaison between the congregation and both the Unitarian Universalist Association and the Ballou Channing District. The committee brings issues of denominational concern to the congregation. It promotes education on Unitarian Universalist General Assembly social justice statements in collaboration with other committees. It fosters an understanding of, and a commitment to, what it means to be a responsible member of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations (excerpt from the UUA website).

General Assembly 2015: Portland, Oregon

Although I was delighted to attend General Assembly (GA) in Providence, Rhode Island last year, Portland Oregon was a bit of stretch. So if you also missed GA this year, I invite you to read the Fall 2015 issue of UU World. There is an exceptionally thorough article titled, Rejoice and Struggle.

My impression of GA 2015, after reading Rejoice and Struggle, is perhaps best described as “bittersweet”. On the one hand, the decision on Marriage Equality was passed by the U.S. Supreme Court on the second day of GA (6/25/15), legalizing same gender marriage in every state. According to the article, attendees cheered loudly and rallied.

At the same time, the horror of the racially motivated shooting at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, was still very much present. Many attendees listened to President Obama during the broadcast of his eulogy for the Honorable Reverend Clementa Pinckney on large screen televisions at the Oregon Convention Center.

As the week progressed, the American philosopher, academic, activist, author, and public intellectual Dr. Cornel West spoke to gathered UU delegates. West delivered the Ware Lecture, a distinguished endowed lecture that features scholars, leaders, and change-makers who challenge us to live our progressive spiritual values in fresh and relevant ways.

Like many UU’s, I have considered how our congregation can increase membership among people of color. I have also come to the conclusion that this is a misguided hope, and true to my Denominational Affairs heart, I now believe we need to engage people of color at their local churches and their efforts to address racial injustice and systematic inequalities.

GA delegates passed the Black Lives Matter and climate justice Action of Immediate Witness, and a UUA Statement of Conscience on reproductive justice. That being said, a clarion call to address racial injustice pervaded GA in 2015. According to the UUA website, in an article titled Five Ways to Support Black Lives Matter ( “This summer, the UUA General Assembly called on UUs to support the Black Lives Matter movement. Over the past year, some congregations have started displaying banners proclaiming Black Lives Matter—and then putting them back up after vandals and thieves have defaced or stolen them. And individual UUs are joining the burgeoning movement, with some of us leading protests, vigils, and community forums.”

In preparation for the new church year, I am proposing that the UU Society of Fairhaven deeply consider the call from this year’s GA, and join in a movement that is aligned with our core UU values, specifically our First Principle. Perhaps we could consider, for example, reaching out to the Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church in New Bedford, and join with them, possibly consider asking them to help us choose a Share the Plate Recipient for this year, etc.

Please be sure to read UU World and the Five Ways to Support Black Lives Matter article!

District Meetings:

The last district meeting occurred in Weston, MA. on 4/25/15. I do not have the date for the next district meeting. The Districts:

The Ballou Channing District, which includes congregations in southern Massachusetts, Cape Cod and the Islands and Rhode Island.

The Clara Barton District, which includes congregations in central and western Massachusetts and most of Connecticut.

The Massachusetts Bay District, which includes congregations in the Greater Boston area.

Visit the UUA website!

Are you curious about the Unitarian Universalist Association and the various goings on? Be sure to visit them online:

Did you know?

This summer, over 100 UU’s attended a rally in Missouri, to acknowledge the 1 year anniversary of Michael Brown’s death. Note the link for an article below:

If you would like to be involved with the DAC, attend a future district meeting, connect to another UU church, or have questions, please reach out to me.  You can find my contact information under the Denominational Affairs Committee tab.

Onward and upward!

Dave Sykes

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