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Citizens for Economic Justice

Citizens for Economic Justice, a sub group activity of the Social Justice Committee, has partnered with We the People MA., American Promise National, Interfaith Caucus of Move to Amend, Unitarian Universalist State Action Network and the Unitarian Universalist MA.: Certified Working Group: Economic Equity in Politics (EEP). Together we will work to overturn the Supreme Court decision “Citizen’s United” that declared corporations are people and money as speech.  Delegates at the 2016 General Assembly in Columbus, Ohio selected “The Corruption of Our Democracy” to be the 2016-2020 Congregational Study Action Issue (CSAI) of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) of Congregations. Our common goal is to win the 28th. Amendment to overturn “Citizens United”, end corruption of elections and reclaim government by the people. We will be presenting and exploring the question, “As corporations use “corporate personhood” and “money as speech” for their interests rather than the people’s needs, can a Constitutional Amendment be passed to protect us”? We look forward to your participation in exploring this issue and your continuing support.

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