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Introduction to Unitarian Universalism & the UU Society of Fairhaven

This three-session adult education course is designed to introduce the ideas, history, and people that make up the UU Society of Fairhaven and the Free Church Tradition of which Unitarianism and Universalism are a part.

The course will be facilitated by Rev. Bob. This is one step towards involvement in a community of faith dedicated to the preservation of religious freedom and the uplifting of the human spirit. If you have been considering membership in our church this is the course for you!

This course will be offered on Jan 10th, Jan 17th and Jan 24th at noon in the Harrop Center. A light lunch and childcare will be provided. Please sign up with Michael Yochim of the Membership Committee. Michael’s e-mail is: Michael’s phone number is : 503-939-6564.

Please note that this class will have a limit of twenty participants and preference will be given to those who have signed the book within the last year and those considering membership.

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