Sunday, November 5th – “The Prosperity Gospel” – According to the Harvard Divinity School, this growing movement teaches that true believers can transcend poverty and illness through generous giving and prayer. Should income determine our own worth and the worth of others? – Rev. María Uitti McCabe in the pulpit
Sunday, November 12th – “Money Talk” – A 2014 survey by the bank Wells Fargo concluded that folks in the U.S. are more afraid of talking about money, than talking about politics or religion. Who wins when we don’t? – Rev. María Uitti McCabe
Sunday, November 19th – “From You I Receive” –Why is it so difficult for so many of us to ask for help or even receive compliments from others? And how is this changing us for the worse? – Rev. María McCabe in the pulpit.
Sunday, November 26th – Rev. Ann Fox in the pulpit
ALL are welcome to worship! Bring a friend!
Coffee hour will follow worship.
For Kids:
Ages 5 and under: Nursery care is available in the Harrop Center (the Tudor building behind the church) starting at 9:45 a.m. Of course, little ones are welcome to stay with their families for worship if preferred.
Ages 6+: Makerspace will be open this week! Children should start with their families in the sanctuary for worship at 10 a.m. After a story, the children will head to Makerspace to create!
Online worship info:
Meeting ID: 818 4657 4433 Passcode: 033044