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Upcoming Events

Oct. 18th, 2:00pm, Harrop Center- Silpada Designs Jewelry “Fun”draiser. Proceeds to be donated to benefit the church. Can’t make it to the party, check it out on line and make a purchase! At checkout choose the UU Church party!

October 24, 2015:

10am Sound-system workshop (Dining Room). If you use the Parish House sound system, this workshop will be very beneficial.

12:00pm – “Halloween?” (Auditorium)an original children’s musical will be presented as a lunch theatre for young children and their families in our auditorium.  (Costumes encouraged) This is a short musical catered to young children, and it is not scary, with a theme about bullying. There are no tickets, reservations only at 508-984-1253.  $10 ages 12-adult, $5 ages 3-11.

7:30pm, Sanctuary – Music of the Macabre…and more! A presentation of the Music Committee to benefit the church. Volunteers needed for decorating and refreshments. Suggested donation $10.00 for this adult-appropriate event. Please speak with Joanna Weeks for more information or to volunteer your services.

Closer than Ever – a musical review in the Parish House Auditorium, produced/directed/music directed by Bonnie Jeanne Brault, and featuring performances by Heather Bodnar, Bonnie-Jeanne Brault, David Jones, Kelly Morrell and Tyler Rowe with guest appearance by Berklee School of Music bassist Benjamin Young . 2 performances on 11/6 and 11/7 at 7pm. RESERVATIONS ONLY @ 508-984-1253 beginning SEPT. 1. $15 person, $13 seniors. There will be 80 seats for each performance, and the seats go very quickly! We are a green congregation and do not use tickets; reservation fees only. Please arrive by 6:45 pm for your reserved seats. Confirmation on facebook does not constitute a reservation.

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