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UUSF to Host Peace Walkers – Please Join Us!

The New England Peace Pagoda (, an initiative of the Nipponzan Myohoji Buddhist Order, has embarked on in its 15th annual Walk for a New Spring, and is walking for peace through Fairhaven on their way to Washington, DC. The 8-week Walk began on March 4, 20l6 at the Peace Pagoda in Leverett, Massachusetts. The call of this walk is for “Shared Security – to End War,” an effort to nurture the belief that we can truly end war and start to shift the direction of our national thinking and policies in a different direction.

UUSF will be hosting the walkers on Friday, March 25 with a potluck dinner from 6:00-7:00 PM in the Harrop Center, followed by a discussion from 7:00-8:00 in the same location. Members of the congregation have generously volunteered to provide sleeping arrangements for the 8-12 walkers. We will also provide breakfast before the walkers depart at 8:30 AM Saturday morning.

Information on the Walk for a New Spring is available today in the Parish House during Hospitality Hour. If you are interested in bringing a contribution to the potluck, please see Larry DeSalvatore or Rev. Bob after Sunday service. Sponsored by the UUSF Social Justice Committee.

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