Weaving the Web, Blessing of the Backpacks, and our All-Church Picnic
Sunday, August 28th. 10:30 a.m. Worship (Parish Hall Auditorium)
12:00 p.m. Blessing of the Backpacks (Church Lawn)
12:15 p.m. All Church Picnic (Parish Hall Dining Room and outside)

This Sunday, August 28th, our new minister Rev. Jordinn Nelson Long will lead us in an all-ages worship service in the parish hall. The service will begin at 10:30 a.m, and is entitled “Weaving the Web.”
Rev. Jordinn will introduce us to our September worship theme of Covenant, as we create a ribbon weaving in celebration of the diversity and beauty of this gathered community.
Welcome back; please bring a length of ribbon for each member of your family (and we’ll have plenty extras here at the church if you forget).
Join us afterward for the Blessing of the Backpacks on the church lawn (12:00 p.m.).

Our Farewell Summer all-church potluck picnic will immediately follow. We’ll share sandwich fixings, sides, and dessert; gluten free and veggie options available.
Visit http://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040e4aaea92fa57-potluck to sign up, or just bring your favorite to share. Visitors are most welcome at any of these events; please contact Minister@uufairhaven.org if you need further information.